ART as the the expression of the Soul..........Sculpting as in life, is the art of eliminating—carving and chiseling away-all that obstructs or hides the perfect true nature of the image within...the true essence of your being....a unit of pure consciousness --CD Rosen

The final solution to all human problems is spiritual enlightenment: mental illumination and unfoldment of conscious knowledge of ourselves as spiritual beings abiding in the wholeness of God. Even though this good news has been proclaimed by seers for thousands of years and is known in the heart of every person, what it is like to be enlightened may be difficult to imagine, and awakening to it may be believed to be difficult, if not impossible. To make spiritual awakening easier, what is needed is a radical change in how we think and feel about ourselves in relationship to the whole: one which provides an overview that enables us to have an intimation of what God is, and how the reality of God expresses as the cosmos and as souls.

What is our real purpose for being in this world? It is to awaken to knowledge of ourselves as spiritual beings in relationship to a Reality which, not confined by space, time, or relative circumstances, is infinite. When realization of transcendent knowledge is accomplished. When it is completely and permanently unfolded we can live freely in the physical realm with enlightened understanding. When we are fully enlightened while expressing through a body, our awareness extends beyond the sense-perceived environment to include all planes and dimensions of the cosmos and beyond them, to eternity. It is only the soul's confinement of awareness to an erroneous belief of independent selfhood that limits it. The truth is, because the soul is a unit of God's consciousness, it is infinite.